======================= hetrec2011-delicious-2k ======================= ------- Version ------- Version 1.0 (May 2011) ----------- Description ----------- This dataset contains social networking, bookmarking, and tagging information from a set of 2K users from Delicious social bookmarking system. http://www.delicious.com The dataset is released in the framework of the 2nd International Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems (HetRec 2011) http://ir.ii.uam.es/hetrec2011 at the 5th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2011) http://recsys.acm.org/2011 --------------- Data statistics --------------- 1867 users 69226 URLs 38581 principal URLs, e.g. www.delicious.com for http://www.delicious.com, http://www.delicious.com/tag, http://www.delicious.com/help/api 7668 bi-directional user relations, i.e. 15328 (user_i, user_j) pairs avg. 8.236 relations per user 53388 tags 437593 tag assignments (tas), i.e. tuples [user, tag, URL] avg. 234.383 tas per URL avg. 6.321 tas per URL 104799 bookmarks, i.e. distinct pairs [user, URL] obtained from tas avg. 56.132 bookmarked URLs per user avg. 1.514 users bookmarking a URL ----- Files ----- * user_contacts.dat - user_contacts-timestamps.dat These files contain the contact relations between users in the database. A contact relation is identified between two users when they belong to a mutual fan relation in Delicious. The files also contain the timestamps when contact relations were created in Delicious. * bookmarks.dat This file contains information about bookmarked URLs. * tags.dat This file contains the set of tags available in the dataset. * user_taggedbookmarks.dat - user_taggedbookmarks-timestamps.dat These files contain the tag assignments of the bookmarked URLs provided by each particular user. They also contain the timestamps when the tag assignments were done. * bookmark_tags.dat This file contains the tags assigned to the bookmarked URLs, and the number of times the tags were assigned to each URL. ----------- Data format ----------- The data is formatted one entry per line as follows (tab separated, "\t"): * user_contacts-timestamps.dat userID \t contactID \t timestamp Example: 8 28371 1286151259000 * user_contacts.dat userID \t contactID \t date_day \t date_month \t date_year \t date_hour \t date_minute \t date_second Example: 8 28371 4 10 2010 2 14 19 * bookmarks.dat id \t md5 \t title \t url \t md5Principal \t urlPrincipal Example: 1 ab4954b633ddaf5b5bba6e9b71aa6b70 IFLA - The official website of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions http://www.ifla.org/ 7f431306c428457bc4e12b15634484f www.ifla.org * tags.dat id \t value Example: 1 collection_development * user_taggedbookmarks.dat userID \t bookmarkID \t tagID \t day \t month \t year \t hour \t minute \t second Example: 8 1 1 8 11 2010 23 29 22 * user_taggedbookmarks-timestamps.dat userID \t bookmarkID \t tagID \t timestamp Example: 8 1 1 1289255362000 * bookmark_tags.dat bookmarkID \t tagID \t tagWeight Example: 1 2 276 ------- License ------- The users' names and other personal information in Delicious are not provided in the dataset. The data contained in hetrec2011-delicious-2k.zip is made available for non-commercial use. Those interested in using the data in a commercial context should contact Delicious staff: http://www.delicious.com ---------------- Acknowledgements ---------------- This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2008-06566-C04-02), and the Regional Government of Madrid (S2009TIC-1542). ---------- References ---------- When using this dataset you should cite: - Delicious website, http://www.delicious.com You may also cite HetRec'11 workshop as follows: @inproceedings{Cantador:RecSys2011, author = {Cantador, Iv\'{a}n and Brusilovsky, Peter and Kuflik, Tsvi}, title = {2nd Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems (HetRec 2011)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th ACM conference on Recommender systems}, series = {RecSys 2011}, year = {2011}, location = {Chicago, IL, USA}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {information heterogeneity, information integration, recommender systems}, } ------- Credits ------- This dataset was built by Iván Cantador with the collaboration of Alejandro Bellogín and Ignacio Fernández-Tobías, members of the Information Retrieval group at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (http://ir.ii.uam.es) ------- Contact ------- Iván Cantador, ivan [dot] cantador [at] uam [dot] es