Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. This is a directory used to produce larger versions of MovieLens through fractal expansions. The expansion is stochastic, see equation (2) and algorithm (1) in for more details (temporary, to be replaced by white paper). The ratings are binarized, each rating becoming 1. If you use this data please cite: * * (temporary, to be replaced by white paper) Dependencies: * numpy (tested with version 1.16.1) * absl-py (tested with version 0.7.0) * pandas (tested with version 0.24.1) * scipy (tested with version 1.2.1) * tensorflow (tested with version 1.12.0) * scikit-image (tested with version 0.14.2) * sklearn (tested with version 0.20.2) How to run (takes ~30 mins on a recent desktop): 1) Download MovieLens20m from (permalink 2) python will generate the data set with the following flags * --input_csv_file, the path to the ratings.csv file downloaded from MovieLens. * --num_row_multiplier, the multiplier for the number of users. 16 (default) yields ~1B interactions, for now 4 is used to train models. * --num_col_multiplier, the multiplier for the number of items. 32 (default) yields ~1B interactions, for now 16 is used to train models. * --output_prefix, the path to the output files including their prefix. Sizes of generated data sets: 1) With --num_row_multiplier=16 --num_col_multiplier=32: * 1,223,962,043 interactions in train set * 12,709,557 interactions in test set * 2,197,225 users * 855,776 items 2) With --num_row_multiplier=4 --num_col_multiplier=16: * 131,203,749 interactions in train set * 1,462,391 interactions in test set * 498,975 users * 427,888 items A train and test set will be generated. No information from the test set is available in the train set. The train set data will consist of num_row_multiplier shards named output_prefix_train.pkl_%d % shard for shard in range(num_row_multiplier). The test set data will consist of num_row_multiplier shards named output_prefix_test.pkl_%d % shard for shard in range(num_row_multiplier). Each shard is a pickled list of numpy arrays, each array corresponds to an user and entails the sequence of item indices corresponding to the items the user has interacted with. The train and test sets will also each feature a separate metadata file output_prefix_train/test_metadata.pkl. The metadata contains a pickled graph_expansion.SparseMatrixMetadata object entailing the number of interactions, users and items in each data set. (Don't forget to import graph_expansion.SparseMatrixMetadata before pickle.load(...)). If the original rating matrix (after filtering) has (n, m) (users, items) then the synthesized matrix will have about (n x num_row_multiplier, m x num_col_multiplier) (users, items). Actual users with less than two distinct rating timestamps are dropped from the original data set. Synthetic users with no ratings in either the synthetic train or test set are all dropped. Items without ratings may be present in the train and/or test sets. Other useful flags: 1) --min_dropout_rate, decreasing/increasing this value will result in a denser/sparser generated data set. 0.05 (default) is used. 2) --max_dropout_rate, decreasing/increasing this value will result in a denser/sparser generated data set. 0.99 (default) is used. # Running instructions for the recommendation benchmark ### Steps to download and verify data You can download and verify the dataset by running the `` and `` scripts from the parent `recommendation` directory. Assume you want to store the downloaded dataset in `/my_data_dir` directory: 1. Install `unzip` and `curl`. 2. Download and unzip ``: ```bash mkdir /my_data_dir cd /my_data_dir # Creates source / # Confirms the MD5 checksum of source / unzip ``` ### Step to expand the dataset (x16 users, x32 items) Assuming that the unzipped ML-20M dataset is stored under `/my_data_dir/ml-20m`, go to `data_generation/fractal_graph_expansions` directory and run: ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt DATA_DIR=/my_data_dir ./ ``` The resulting dataset should be stored under `/my_data_dir/ml-20mx16x32`.